Internet marketing tips for your small business.

See How Google Sees Your Website

I want to tell you about a free tool that you probably already have but aren’t using for your website. Now that tool is called Google Search Console. For years, it’s been called Google Webmaster Tools, so if that sounds familiar to you most website developers will set it up when they launch a new website. Most companies will promptly set it on a shelf and never check it again, but there’s some valuable insight in Google Console that I want you to know about.

Google Search Console is the only way to know with exact certainty all of the search queries that are A) bringing your website traffic, and B) that your website is actually showing up that you may not be getting clicks for. When you go into Google Search Console and you click on the search analytics, you will actually find out all of the key words that your website, any page on your website, is showing up in Google for.

There’s gold here because what I find is that a lot of companies are ranking far down on page one or even on page two for a term that is very relevant to their business. With just a little bit of work, they’re going to be able to drive that ranking up and actually start getting valuable traffic for that search key word. If you don’t know where your access is, ask your website developer or get it set up.

It’s called Google Search Console and you can find it by just searching for Google Search Console and it’s completely free, you just have to prove that you’re the owner of your website and there’s a lot of information online about how to do that. Once you get it, you’ll be amazed by what you find in that tool.

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Jeremy Pound
Written By Jeremy Pound

July 21 2015 in Blog, Local SEO, SEO, Website Tools

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