Marketing Tips

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  • August 7 2015

    Using Buyer Personas

    Most companies start marketing to everybody; they have not clearly defined who their perfect customer is. In marketing we have a tool called the buyer’s persona, which is a fictional representation of our ideal client. This should actually be based on someone you actually do business with, if possible. You may have met your perfect customer and if you put down on paper it’s going to help you find more people like them.

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  • August 6 2015

    Use Reciprocity to Make Your Marketing More Effective

    Think about how you feel when somebody does something nice for you. Even if it’s a little tiny thing, I bet your natural inclination is you want to return the favor or at least look at that person in a more favorable light. Now that’s called reciprocity. When somebody does something for you, you just feel obligated to return the favor.

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  • August 5 2015

    Advertising to Custom Audiences with Facebook

    Imagine that you have a sales office. You’re in real estate, people come in, they give you their information, and then they leave. On a weekly or monthly basis you could actually upload those email addresses and then re-target those users with some kind of message to bring them back, to hopefully do business with you.

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  • August 4 2015

    Know Your Customer Lifetime Value

    Knowing your Customer Lifetime Value is critical when evaluating new marketing and advertising opportunities. Make sure you know yours! Check back tomorrow for a new Juicy Bits video. We post a new marketing tip every day!

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  • August 3 2015

    Optimal Time to Post on Facebook

    We’ve managed social media marketing for a number of our clients over the years, and we have lots of meetings about which posts are doing good and which posts are doing okay and which posts should never be posted again. That’s usually judged by the interaction and the engagement that we’re getting, and the action that users are taking when they actually see these posts.

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  • August 2 2015

    Make your Website Stand Out in Conference Rooms

    With the introduction of responsive style sheets, and responsive design more and more of them are actually thinking through what your website should look like on a tablet or on phone. A responsive style sheet actually let’s you design for monitor or screen sizes of any size. But many designers overlook the monitors in conference rooms.

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  • August 1 2015

    Make Marketing a Habit

    I would argue that all great marketing is really a series of habits. Find out whose calendar marketing belongs on and make sure there’s big chunks of time dedicated to marketing your company on someone’s calendar. Those will become habits and that’s how you’re ultimately going to find success in any kind of marketing.

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  • July 31 2015

    How to Use Webinars in your Marketing

    Have you ever used webinars in your internet marketing? Chances are, you’ve probably attended a webinar, maybe even done business with the company who put a webinar on, but never really thought about webinars for your company. I know this seem intimidating and they can be a lot of work, but webinars are a fantastic way to build a relationship with your prospects.

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  • July 30 2015

    Understanding Where Your Leads Come From With Attribution Models

    This video is for anybody who is spending money on marketing or advertising, trying to drive traffic to your website and generating leads or sales. We all want to know what is it that I spent money on that worked. Is it natural SEO or is it paid advertising? What exactly, is it that’s generating my sales and my leads?

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  • July 29 2015

    The Psycology of Social Proof

    A good marketer is also a student of psychology. Today I want to introduce a concept called social proof. Social proof is this phenomenon that we, as human beings, tend to look around and see what other people are doing so that we can make better decisions.

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